ParticipationInvitation and Circular letters Invitation and Circular letters Invitation and Circular letters pdfCL-21/049 – Results of consultation on the dates of the World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-23) and Radiocommunication Assembly (RA-23) 19/10/21 pdfCL-21/037 – Member States consultation on dates of the World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-23) and Radiocommunication Assembly (RA-23) 01/09/21 Member States pdfCL-22/42 – (Invitation letter to RA-23 for Member States) 25/11/22 pdfCL-23/38 – Informal Meeting of Heads of Delegation, Radiocommunication Assembly 2023 (RA-23) 16/10/23 Sector Members pdfDM-22/1013 – (Invitation letter to RA-23 for Sector Members) 25/11/22 Observers pdfDM-22/1014 – (Invitation letter to RA-23 for Observers) 25/11/22 ITU Academia pdfDM-22/1015 – (Invitation letter to RA-23 for ITU Academia) 25/11/22 Administrative Circular CACE pdfCACE/1058 – (Appointment of Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of ITU-R Study Groups, the Coordination Committee for Vocabulary, the Conference Preparatory Meeting and the Radiocommunication Advisory Group) 18/04/23 pdfCACE/1050 – (Radiocommunication Assembly preparatory work) 10/02/23